Who are we?

investment experts(1)
0 bn
Assets Under Management(1)
labeled funds
Investing in companies that create sustainable value for everyone - that’s one way to give the future a new dimension.

Ofi Invest Asset Management is a company of Ofi Invest group, which in turn, is a member of Aéma Groupe (Macif, Abeille Assurances and AÉSIO mutuelle).

Ofi Invest Asset Management has 180.8 billion euros in assets at the end of June 2024(1) and nearly 400 employees, serving institutional and individual investors served by networks and distribution partners, in France and abroad.

Very attached to its convictions as a responsible and committed investor, Ofi Invest Asset Management offers a wide choice of responsible investment strategies in order to enable its clients to finance the development of a virtuous economy that is a source of opportunities and performance.

By bringing together the capabilities of Ofi Invest group’s asset management companies (the fifth-largest French asset manager(2)), Ofi Invest Asset Management provides access to a broad range of investment, extensive experience in bespoke asset management, and services adapted to various investor types.

(1) Source: Ofi Invest Asset Management as of end-June 2024 - Employees as 07/01/2024 including Egamo and Syncicap
(2) Source: financial communications of the entities concerned, as of 12/31/2023
Ofi Invest, a new dimension for the future

Our Executive Board

Ofi Invest AM board: Jean-Pierre Grimaud, Chief Executive Officer
Jean-Pierre GRIMAUD
Chief Executive Officer
Ofi Invest AM board: Eric Bertrand, Deputy CEO and CIO
Deputy CEO & CIO
Ofi Invest AM board: Guillaume Poli, Development Director
Guillaume POLI
Development Director
Ofi Invest AM board: Hugues Bernard, IS, Data and Operational Efficiency Director
IS, Data & Operational Efficiency Director
Ofi Invest AM board: Baptiste Buisson, Mandates and Solutions Director
Baptiste BUISSON
Mandates & Solutions Director
Ofi Invest AM board: Véronique Cherret, Sales, Marketing and Communication Director
Véronique CHERRET
Sales, Marketing & Communication Director
Ofi Invest AM board: Guillaume de Lafarge, Risk, Compliance and Internal Control Director
Guillaume DE LAFARGE
Risk, Compliance & Internal Control Director
Ofi Invest AM board: Luisa Florez, Head of Sustainable Finance Research
Sustainable Finance Research Director
Ofi Invest AM board: Christophe Frespuech, Head of Funds and Customer Solutions
Christophe FRESPUECH
Funds and Customer Solutions Director
Ofi Invest AM board: Claire Iribarne, Director of Human Resources
Human Resources Director
Ofi Invest AM board: Geoffroy Lenoir, OPC Management Co-Director
Geoffroy LENOIR
OPC Management Co-Director
Ofi Invest AM board: Eric Turjeman, OPC Management Co-Director
OPC Management Co-Director