Sustainable finance

Ofi Invest Asset Management applies the principles of responsible investment to most of its investment processes through a variety of measures. We have a range of SRI-labelled (Socially Responsible Investment) funds available in France and Europe, and they are testament to our convictions and our aspiration to be a key player in the world of responsible investment.

Our practices in the areas of governance, exclusion, ESG incorporation in fund management and engagement (dialogue and voting) enable us to drive our approach as a responsible investor forward, establish a pro-active SRI labelling policy for our funds and classify them clearly in accordance with the SFDR.

Our specialist teams

Our practices
as an engaged investor

Good governance policy - Ofi Invest Asset Management

Good governance policy

Good governance is essential to any firm. It ensures that the firm is managed well, enables the firm to create value and protects the interests of all its stakeholders (shareholders, clients, employees, suppliers, etc.).

Exclusion policies - Ofi Invest Asset Management

Exclusion policies

  • In an effort to promote the energy transition, we have undertaken to reduce our exposure to fossil fuels by adopting sector policies that we apply to the coal and oil-gas industries. We aim to cease investing in the thermal coal sector by 2030.
  • We restrict our investments in unconventional oil and gas to companies that derive no more than 5% of their revenue from the industry, and we apply exclusion thresholds in terms of total fossil fuel output and the development of new oil-gas fields.
  • Besides applying our exclusion policies, we also actively engage in dialogue with our portfolio companies to encourage them to adopt climate strategies that are convincing and aligned with the recommendations issued by the International Energy Agency.
  • We have also adopted sector policies for the tobacco, controversial weapons and palm oil industries so as to limit the negative impacts our investments might have on society and the environment.
  • Last of all, we do not invest in companies that face severe controversies with respect to at least one of the 10 Principles of the UN Global Compact (which cover human rights, workers’ rights, the environment, anti-corruption efforts, etc.) and that fail to come up with appropriate remedial measures.

Our sector exclusion policies:

Our norm-based exclusion policies:

ESG incorporation policy - Ofi Invest Asset Management

ESG* incorporation policy

  • We aspire to promote societal well-being, efforts to tackle climate change and biodiversity conservation. We therefore factor sustainability risks into our investment processes as part of our approach to both organisation and management of risks and governance.
  • We report on the measures we have in place in order to comply with our commitments as a responsible investor and provide our clients with a guarantee that sustainability risks are factored into all our activities.
Voting and engagement policy - Ofi Invest Asset Management

Voting and engagement policy

  • We particularly make sure to exercise our voting rights at the general meetings of the companies in which we invest. Our expertise enables us to assess the quality, accuracy and consistency of the economic and strategic information received, the environmental and social issues faced by our portfolio companies, and their adherence to the law.
  • We have prepared a binding voting policy that our proxy voting services provider must comply with and that incites our portfolio companies to adopt practices upholding the three pillars: E, S and G*.
* ESG: Environment, Social and Governance. Our ESG criteria refer to a company’s practices with regard to the E, S and G aspects that are most material within its business sector and its management of sustainability-related controversies.

Our pro-active
SRI labelling policy

SRI label - Ofi Invest Asset Management

The SRI label is a French label created and promoted by France’s Ministry of Economy and Finance; it provides savers in France and across Europe with more visibility on socially responsible investment (SRI) products.

The SRI Label is a single point of reference for investors wishing to contribute to a more sustainable economy!

The 6 specific criteria we meet to obtain the SRI Label


Our investment funds work towards clear and explicit objectives.


When analysing companies, we use a precise methodology that factors in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria.


Our investment and stock-picking decisions are taken on the basis of ESG analyses.


We apply a policy consisting of voting, dialogue and engagement with most of our portfolio companies that seeks to improve their practices.


We manage our funds in a manner that is entirely transparent for our investor clients.


We measure the positive impacts achieved through our ESG fund management on the development of a sustainable economy.

European SFDR

(Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation)

European SFDR - Ofi Invest Asset Management

The SFDR is a European regulation that seeks to render the non-financial characteristics of investment funds more transparent, particularly their environmental impacts.
Funds are sorted into three categories: article 6, 8 or 9. Article 8 funds are products that promote environmental and/or social characteristics, among others, but do not have these themes as an investment objective.

SFDR, for greater transparency and clearer fund classification.

Our Article 8 funds: what does this classification refer to?

  • our SRI-labelled products (;
  • the products we manage without a label but in accordance with an investment process that meets the SRI label’s requirements;
  • the products we manage without a label but to which we apply a proprietary model in order to factor in the environmental, social and governance criteria met by our portfolio companies.

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